The film “Autumn Memories” directed by Ali Fakhrmousavi and produced by Seyed Amir Seyedzadeh and Viktor Wilhelm is a joint production of Iranian, Czech and Ukrainian cinema. Talaei won the Best Film Award at the Aab Film Festival in India and the UN and European Union War Memorial Award, and has participated in 12 international film festivals.
Nazanin Ahmadi-Shahpourabadi, Alexandra Ignatosha, Dmitry Lenartovich, Tatiana Yurikova, Galina Yablonska, Nazar Ragush have played roles.
“Autumn Memories” tells the story of a girl whose home and family have been attacked and raped by terrorist groups; Experiencing displacement, blindness, and even loss of speech, he can finally find peace and love in other parts of the world alongside people who have themselves been affected by the war.