The movie “Highway” directed by Farnaz Amini and produced by Mohammad Shamaeian and Alireza Mehram went in front of the camera in news silence. This film, which is the eighth feature film by Farnaz Amini, went in front of the camera with the presence of well-known actors from the art world
I wandered the highway of life to the sky…
Shabnam Gholikhani, Majid Vashghani, Mohammad Shamaeian and Mahlagha Bagheri will play roles in the movie Highway.
Filmmaking agents
Director: Farnaz Amini, Producer: Mohammad Shamaeian – Alireza Mehram, Writer: Fatima Abahmezeh, Director of Photography: Rasoul Khodabandeh Lou, Director of Recording: Ali Kian Arsi, Makeup Designer: Rasoul Nemat, Editing and Sound: Mehran Gonbadlou, Costume Designer : Hossein Haji إBrahimi, First Assistant Director and Planner: Mahnaz Droudy, Production Manager: Nadia Ghavanipour, Photographer and Media Manager: Mohsen Beideh, Production Assistant: Ali Habibi, Production Deputy: Ali Khosravi, Project Manager: Farnaz Amini.